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Massimo Paracchini will be present in New York for the exhibition entitled " New York. Art & Freedom” from 27th September to 15th October 2018
Massimo Paracchini will be present in New York for the exhibition entitled " New York. Art & Freedom” from 27th September to 15th October 2018 with the video exhibition of some of his abstract and informal works at the Saphira & Ventura Gallery
Massimo Paracchini will be present in New York for the exhibition entitled " New York. Art & Freedom” from 27th September to 15th October 2018 with the video exhibition of some of his abstract and informal works at the Saphira & Ventura Gallery, 4 W 43rd St Suite 416, between the Fifth and the Sixth Avenue, in the beating heart of New York.
Within the framework of the great events hosted in New York in fall, Italia Arte, Museo MIIT and Galleria Folco organized the exhibition entitled "New York. Art & Freedom” which will be held from 27th September to 15th October 2018 with vernissage at 18.30.
The Saphira & Ventura Gallery is one of the historical galleries of New York, located between the Fifth and the Sixth avenue, has been active active for many years and has important connections and offices located between Singapore, Sao Paulo and Paris.
The event is organized in the context of a series of international exchanges between the MIIT Museum and other international cultural and artistic institutions and within the first European Year of Cultural Heritage to which the MIIT Museum adheres with its 2018 exhibitions.

The exhibition will present a selection of authors from all over the world and chosen by curators, gallery owners, critics, art historians and journalists of the Scientific Committee of the MIIT Museum in Turin.

With free collaboration and patronage of:

Cultural Association Galleria Folco - Museo MIIT - Turin - Museum of Memory - Lipari - Museum Ugo Guidi - Forte dei Marmi - Friends of the Museum Ugo Guidi - Forte dei Marmi - Art Gallery of Beltrani Palace - Trani - Zhou Brothers Art Center Foundation - Chicago - ICAS - New York - 33Contemporary Gallery - Chicago - AmArt Gallery - Brussels - MACA Museum – Acres

Media Partners:

Italia Arte - Traspi.Net - News in a Click - Aspim Europa

Technical Partners:

Reale Mutua - LT Consul

Massimo Paracchini's works in video exhibition

1) Title: Vortex in Kromoexpansion on Alchemical Orange in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling

Mixed media on canvas with folds applied on board

Size: diameter 85 x 1 cm

Year 2018

2) Title: Full Alchemic White in the Raised, Hyperelliptical and Hyperdimensional Movements of the Universe : Re-Genesis

Mixed media on canvas with folds applied on board

Size: 70 x 100 x 1 cm

Year 2018

3)Title: Kromoexplosion in Kromotrance on Alchemical Orange in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling

Mixed media with folds applied on canvas
Size: 80 x80 x 2 cm

Year 2018

4) Title: Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling on Kromoexplosion in Kromotrance on Alchemical Red embossed in a straight line

Mixed media on canvas with folds applied on canvas
Size: 80 x80 x 2 cm
Year 2018

5)Title: Spinning Vortex in Kromoexplosion on Alchemical Yellow in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling

Mixed media on canvas with folds applied on canvas

Size: 80 x 80 x 2 cm
Year 2018

Deflagrations in alchemical Kromoexplosion that arise from the deep abysses of the artist-creator's soul and mind in Kromotrance and that spread everywhere with infinite chromatic energy, overwhelming every known form, disrupting and dematerializing it in order to project it again towards another primordial Kaos in the fluent, vibrant, overdimensional dawn of artistic re-Genesis.

Vortex in Kromoexplosion, pure cosmic energy from which everything originated through a twisting motion that comes from dynamic twists taking its origins from a central point, when from the Kaos of Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling will rise to a new and abstract shape, curved in an ever evolving movement.
In hyperelliptic geometry and cosmic dimension there is a continuous overdimensional interaction with the inner world of the artist. If on one hand the form opens to infinity like a spiral that from its center expands in the universe, on the other hand it immediately closes up and goes backback to its origin, in a continuum that sometimes can generate meandering which cross the whole work making it particularly vibrant in its curvilinear movement.

We need to become visionaries to the ultimate power in order to reinvent the world with the colors of freedom, poetry and love.
The artist will have to become a visionary to transcend the Euclidean Arcadian world, its nature and its history, in order to tend towards the outer limits of reality and catch a glimpse of something which goes beyond it thanks to his almost magical touch; he will be led to a transcendental consciousness by an alchemical Free Sprinkling which will allow him to transmute every simple image into a metaphysical and cosmic vision.
As a new Orpheus the artist descends into the underworld of his inner soul to seize the pure essence of everything, trying to defy the hourglass of time and history and he often returns defeated, clutching in his hands only a few straws of gold that he manages to make eternal.
I see colors in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling on every image pulsating with life. I cross the world to capture all the images, the colors, the vibrations of the soul and turn them into living poetry.

Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling is the pure expression of the natural and primordial instinct of the artist who can transform every image, every sensation, every emotion into pure artistic vision.

Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling is the most magical and free color sprinkling on the represented image that comes out of everyday life and ordinary reality to become an absolute vision because it is skilfully dematerialized and transfigured by the artist.

In the magical Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling everything is poetry, freedom and beauty.

Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling is the true revolution, a pure expression of the natural instinct of the soul and of the body, mind and heart.

Through Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling I have transformed every too precise form of reality into an artistic vision. So I found again that magical and primordial chromatic harmony that disrupt every reasoning and every human evaluation!

The Alchemical Free Sprinkling will eventually become Overflowing and Sparkling because through it the artist must transmute every simple image into a pure cosmic vision and must open a door to transcendental knowledge; just like hermetic alchemy - which was intended to transform base metals in gold, a symbol of light and absolute perfection - he will overcome the last boundaries of reality, by projecting every image into a cosmological perspective where the energy of heaven enters forcefully into the quiet life of daily existence and by subverting every order and rule.
Through his Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling and his continuous alchemical research the artist can reach a condition of kromohypnosis, that is the experience of a Kromotrance in which there will be the loss of sensory orientation in the Arcadian - Euclidean world in order to enter another transcendental vision, in which he will reach a condition of Kronohypnosis, that is of suspension or loss of the sense of time, which will become infinite, eternal and will bring him into a conceptual, totally abstract, interior and subjective dimension.
In every work of art, the artist will have to seize the dynamic vibrations of the fluctuating Universe in a continuous Alchemic Krometamorphosis; going beyond the classical laws of the three-dimensional space deriving from the Arcadian – Euclidean tradition, he will reach a completely new dimension, a-temporal, infinite, eternal and cosmic in which matter is going to trans-atomize into a pure, fluttering current of color energy as it was at the beginning of the primordial Chaos when everything came into being from an a-dimensional wave of vibrating, running energy.
As everything took its origins from an a-dimensional wave of vibrating and flowing energy that got atomized through the work of conscience, in the same way the contrary is possible: everything can go back to the original a-dimensional wave through a gradual process of de- materialization and trans-atomization thanks to the technique of “Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling” in order to reach eventually the Primordial Chaos.

The “Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling” technique lets the colors flow as the wind, as a river in flood that overwhelms and sweeps everything away; it destructures every form belonging to a mythical world which is dying out together with its Arcadian – Euclidean reality, a reality which was formerly conceived as an idea of order and which later went through a process of Alchemic – Krometamorphic “crushing”, coming eventually to pure Chaos: a cosmic, extraordinary Chaos with no bounds, intersected by the hyper-elliptic and hyper-dimensional movements of the Universe and of a mind that dissolves all its thoughts into the krometamorphic “magma” of the soul.

A true work of art can never be made subservient neither to a mythical reality nor to representational art. On the contrary, it will have to be a pure eidetic vision representing a world which is both inward and cosmic, a world to be transfigured into a hyper-dimensional geometry through an alchemic and dynamic Krometamorphosis coming eventually to primordial trans-atomization thanks to that free and magic sprinkling of color I named “Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling”, the true horizon from which everything takes its origins.

Through a long search path starting from the primordial colored form the artist reaches chromatic “trans-atomization” or atom dematerialization. Evolution leads to an actual alchemic and dynamic “krometamorphosis” which dematerializes the picture through the technique of “Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling”, a magic and masterly sprinkling that sets the colors free from the mythical and well defined pictorial forms of an Arcadian- Euclidean world, a world to be transfigured into a new, contemporary vision of the artist thanks to a process of cosmic and mental dynamism.
Let each color freely dance on the white canvas, transmute every image belonging to a mythic Arcadian-Euclidean world, now outdated, in pure contemporary vision crossed by the hyper-elliptical and hyperdimensional geometry of the Universe, by means of a progressive transcendental Kromotrance which suddenly projects every artist into a totally ecstatic dimension thanks to the free and magical komomoalchemic sprinkling that transforms and transfigures everything and which can also achieve, through a spontaneous and decisive Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling, the final stage of the absolute transatomization of any object represented , thus allowing us to grasp the truest and most profound essence of everything.

From the hyper-elliptical, curvilinear and hyperdimensional movements of the trans-geometry of deep Universes, the new dynamic, abstract, cosmic, eternal form will be generated in a new and pure eidetic and transcendental vision.

Everything can start from a dimensionless wave of luminous energy, flowing and vibrating with endless possibilities; then conscience will make it collapse with observation , transforming it into corpuscular atoms and phenomena, realizing only one of the many possibilities, just like the phenomenon of the Big bang that realized one of the infinite possibilities and possible logics; in the same way the artist realizes only one of the many possible visions.

Colours in Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling stream on the white canvas, free and overwhelming in the swirling hyperelliptic and hyperdimensional curves of the Universe and of the Soul, leading the artist - through a constant alchemic search - to Transcendental Kromotrance, that is to say a new global and ecstatic vision of the Cosmos which can suddenly open us new horizons and make us overstep every possible limit and cross over the infinite.

To paint like a savage, a primitive, with no rules and no time, just following pure instinct; to apply trans - geometry and overturning the cosmic coordinates of the mythical Arcadian-Euclidean world in order to transfigure it completely thanks to transcendental Kromotrance which can change every image into a pure immediate vision, every sound into music and every word in eternal poetry through that magic and free aspersion of colour called Free Sprinkling Overflowing e Sparkling, which transforms everything and trans - atomizes everything, thus allowing us to seize the true and deepest essence of the whole Universe.

Every image, every shape must be transformed by the artist in perfect, timeless vision through an alchemic process of dynamic krometamorphosis and it can be trans - atomized through that skillful and magic aspersion of colour called Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling. At the same time, every image and every shape can also be projected onto the hyperelliptical and hyperdimensional shapes of the Universe and it can be transfigured by the unrestrained impulse of the Soul which is alive and throbbing with strong feelings and infinite emotions in a space and in a time which are universal and can be reached only through a progressive Transcendental Kromotrance.

From "Transcendental Eidetics of Art"
by Massimo Paracchini


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